Here you can explore the detailed scope of services offered by CIO Consulting. For your convenience, the content is divided into a few modules within the IT field, which can be selected by the Client or suggested by our experts. Each module will be adjusted to the specific needs of our Clients.  At the start we answer any questions and provide whatever information is required. After a preliminary analysis of the scope of work, we present the Client with a cost estimate.

The scope of our services includes:

IT Consulting

IT consulting consists in providing professional advice on all aspects of IT solutions in the company. IT consulting should be provided by people with appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical skills, combined with analytical abilities.

IT Services

We offer our Clients high quality support and maintenance related to all aspects of IT systems and infrastructure.

Personal Data Protection

Using personal databases in compliance with the law and their proper archiving are the responsibility of every company, which is required by national and international regulations. 

Digital Business

It is our goal to improve your company’s presence in cyberspace.

Digital Business includes:

Outsourced CIO

Outsourced CIO (Chief Information Officer) is an innovative service, which involves temporary or permanent IT management in the company.

The service is intended to ensure a comprehensive support of business or manufacturing processes and increase their efficiency.